I feel that introduction posts need to also introduce the writer so here are a few facts about me...
- I'm a huge Disney geek. I think the movies are masterpieces, the parks are my home and Walt Disney is a true inspiration. My love of Disney will feature heavily in this blog because as you will know if you know me, I never shut up about it.
- My blog name is a reference to the Sleeping Beauty song "I wonder" because I'm kind of obsessed with that film plus it's fitting. Win win.
- Aside from Disney, I love all genres of film. I'm that annoying person who will talk about cinematography and score and probably sound like a total pretentious twat but also will watch crappy romantic comedies that were made for TV. #bitchdon'tkillmyvibe
- I have a twin sister. We're non-identical and she's way cooler than me.
- Tom Hiddleston is my favourite celebrity because he's basically a flawless human being.
- I want to visit Florida, California and Toyko more than anywhere else in the world.
- My dream job is to work for BuzzFeed.
- I say "literally" too much.
- I have a pizza box on my floor that I need to throw away and shorthand exercises that I need to be doing, but instead I'm writing this blog post.
If you want to follow me on any social media (Twitter, Instagram, etc) my handle is @carackobama. I hope you'll enjoy this random mash up of a blog because I'm stoked to start writing it!
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